
Abra folk barred from services

Baguio City – Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera strongly condemns the vilification and harassment done to its interns and staff by members of the PNP and LGU of Daguioman, Abra during their press conference this May 23, 2014 at...

Close Encounters: The Defamation of Development Workers

"Sad to say you are members of the NPA"* We've heard a lot of 'red-tagging' and all sorts of political vilifications from the social media, news on television, and in the newspapers but usually we shrug it off, thinking of it as something we just...

The 30th Cordillera Day Celebration

The Continuing Struggle of the Cordillera Peoples Joshua Angelo Bata | Maria Sheena Betito | Paula Bianca Luna According to Mao Tse Tung, the people, and the people alone, are the motive force in making the world history. This was translated in the...

Solidarity message from Solidagro Belgium

Mercatorstraat 81 9100 Sint-Niklaas Belgium   April 23, 2014   To the Cordillera People's Alliance and the Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera (CDPC), Inc. It is with great pleasure that Solidagro conveys...


DECLARATION OF THE CORDILLERA PEOPLE’S DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE We, the 210 participants of the Cordillera People’s Development Conference held on November 7-9, 2013 in Baguio City, Philippines, representing indigenous peoples’ and community...