Solidarity Message of the Province of East Flanders for the Cordillera Day 2013
Cordillera Day 2013: solidarity message of the partners of the Province of East Flanders in Belgium
Today is a day of solidarity, of power created by cooperation. It is a day of hope and belief in a just and sustainable society.
The Province of East Flanders, in partnership with New World, a Belgian NGO, is working together with the CDPC network in the Cordillera since 1994. It is a successful partnership!
It is a partnership on sustainable development of the Cordillera region. Sustainability is not only about nature, it is about equality, justice and about participation of the people.
In the RIO declaration on sustainable development, Agenda 21, a participative policy is recommended. In section three we can read: “Environmental issues are best handled with the participation of all concerned citizens. States shall facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making environmental information widely available.
The full participation of women is essential to achieve sustainable development. The creativity, ideals and courage of youth and the knowledge of indigenous people are needed too. Nations should recognize and support the identity, culture and interests of indigenous people.”
The Rio declaration dates from 1992. We all know, there is still a long way to go. The balance between economic growth and social environment and people-orineted development is fragile.
A strong social civil society is necessary to repair and guard this balance.
During our visits we perceived the great commutment and perseverance of the organizations in the Cordillera. Even in small and isolated villages people are organized to work for social changes, to change their own futurie in the short and long term.
We have a great respect for this commitment.
We know it is not easy, its is hard.
We believe in solidarty and international solidarity.
We live on the same planet so we are jointly responsible and interdependent.
We support the theme of this Cordillera Day.
As long as we can we will support our parners in the Philippines, because we believe a social movment is necessary to achieve social sustainable changes.
We hope the social movement in the Philippines can continue to grow, we hope more and more people will believe in the power of cooperation, believe in the possiblity of change
We wish you luck and courage.
Know that you have partners in solidarity, friends, in Belgium, in the province of East Flanders.
Eddy Couckuyt,
Deputy of the Province of East Flanders