Mercatorstraat 81
9100 Sint-Niklaas
April 23, 2014
To the Cordillera People's Alliance and the Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera (CDPC), Inc.
It is with great pleasure that Solidagro conveys this message of solidarity.
The 30th year celebration of Cordillera Day is indeed historic as you have doubtlessly proven your resolve to carry on with your struggle for the defense of your ancestral land and self-determination. Significantly, while relentlessly fighting for your people's rights, you are at the same time actively pursuing socio-economic programs to alleviate the hunger and poverty of the Cordillera people long neglected by the government. Through its food security programs, Solidagro has been a constant partner of the Cordillera people in securing pro-people and sustainable development in the region, and it is our great honor to have supported your programs.
The central theme: Defend our Land from Imperialist Plunder! Assert our Right to Self-determination! is very relevant to the current struggle of the Cordillera people against development aggressions such as large-scale mining and big energy projects like geothermal, dams and windmills. Cordillera Day has been and will always be a celebration of the people's struggle against development aggressions. It is also a commemoration of the martyrdom of Macliing Dulag who led the Cordillera people in opposing the World Bank-funded Chico River Hydroelectric Dam project of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos.
This year's venue and host community of the Cordillera Day centralized celebration, Barangay Guinaang in Pasil, in the province of Kalinga is the same community where CDPC, our partner, introduced and developed muscovado sugar production as an alternative to commercial sugar to reduce household expenses. To date, the success of the project has encouraged nearby barangays to plant sugarcane and start their own muscovado sugar production too. We are also aware that indigenous communities in Pasil are now being threatened by the entry of big mining and energy companies despite their opposition and that military operations have since intensified due to the people's resistance. It is indeed fitting to celebrate Cordillera Day in Barangay Guinaang to lend voice and extend solidarity to their struggle for their land and existence.