“Cordillera Day itself is a struggle.” This sentence echoed inside me the way the gongs and chants reverberated in the vast mountains of Pasil, Kalinga. Even up to now, I can still feel how it was said during the 30thCordillera Day celebration in Brgy. Guinaang last 24-26 April.

The celebration was not easy to plan. I was a part of the team that prepared for the event.  There were challenges that we had to face.

Our first days in the area were not easy. We were in doubt and uncertainty when we arrived at the community.  As a neophyte, I was always anxious. There were times when I would become clueless on what to do first. I was afraid that I may not be able to build good relationships with the community people or they may not like me.

I doubted myself, thinking that I may not pull this off but I have already accepted the challenge.

As it turned out, the community welcomed us warmly. They offered us their coffee, a symbol of hospitality in the Cordilleran tradition.

We assisted the community in the preparation for the activity. Aftera series of consultations and general assemblies, the Guinaang Tribe and the Indigenous Farmers of Guinaang agreed to serve as host for the Cordillera Day in Matungngok, Guinaang. It was a victory for me and my team.

The Cordillera Day celebration is a beacon for the Cordillera People. The Cordillera Day is not just a mere gathering. The activity is a testimonial of the struggles fought by our ancestors wholost their lives in defense of land, life, and resources.


Our group was very dynamic. Our different personalities and traits combined for a good team relationship that helped us attain the objectives of our immersion in the community. Without knowing it, the days passed by so quickly. During my short stay in the area, I saw how the community united and worked hard, and it is an inspiration I carry up to now.

Living in a far-flung community would not be complete without learning a few things from the people. I learnedhow to pound rice and coffee beans. I learned how to roast them, winnow them to become the coffee that we sip in a cup. I also learned antics on how to communicate by learning their language.

The Cordillera Day was indeed a great challenge but the community’s unity helped us overcome these challenges. This celebration made me realize the significance of what I am doing. I can never forget the valuable experience with the people I met.  I learned to put aside differences, fears, and worries. And I learned that Iwill never learn if Irefuse to be open to new experiences.  Moreover, facing them like other tests, we persevered, and eventually overcome the problems.


Here is a song composed by Mr. Andres Wailan on the series of events that happened before and after Cordillera Day.It was a song we sang at the end of solidarity nightwhen everybody was very happy:


Cordillera Day Struggle
