29th Cordillera Day Celebration in Ifugao
The 29th Cordillera Day Celebration in Ifugao was simple yet full of sharing of experiences, issues and lessons from the participants. It also showcased the growing mass movement in Ifugao. More people’s organizations and advocates are joining the...
Solidarity Message of the Province of East Flanders for the Cordillera Day 2013
Solidarity Message of the Province of East Flanders for the Cordillera Day 2013 Cordillera Day 2013: solidarity message of the partners of the Province of East Flanders in Belgium Today is a day of solidarity, of power created by cooperation. It is...
International Indigenous Peoples Workshop on Aid and Development Effectiveness
International Indigenous Peoples Workshop on Aid and Development Effectiveness -- Highland Villa, Lower Bokawkan Road, Baguio City, Philippines. On April 22, 2013 the Peoples Workshop on Aid and Development Effectiveness was successfully in Baguio...
Making Use Of The Ligayan Multi-Purpose Rice Mill Building
Ligayan is one of the five sitios comprising the barangay of Balantoy in the municipality of Balbalan, in the province of Kalinga. From Balantoy Proper which is the center of the barangay, the sitio is accessible only by foot. It takes two hours to...
Development NGOs and POs Holds Dialogue with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
Lagawe, Ifugao- In response to complaints filed by the Ifugao Peasant Movement (IPM) on the harassments and vilification of development workers perpetuated by the 86th Infantry Battalion (IB) operating in the province of Ifugao, the provincial...
Condemn and Expose the Harassment and Persecution of Community People and Development Workers’ by the Charlie Company 86th IB in Tinoc, Ifugao
The Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera and its member NGOs condemn Charlie Company 86th Infantry (Highland) Battalion of the 5th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army based in Barangay Impugong, for the list of persons they tagged...
Baguio City- In a press conference called by the Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera (CDPC), which is a network of various Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) espousing genuine peoples development in the Cordillera, a call to stop...
Cordillera Farmers Study SRI in Nueva Ecija
The System of Rice Intensification (SRI) was developed in order to increase the yield of rice produced in irrigated farming without relying on purchased inputs. Members of nongovernment organizations (NGOs) from the Cordillera went to the...
CHESTCORE decries Worsening State of Cordillera Health with the Aquino Health Agenda’s aggressive privatization of the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC)
CHESTCORE or the Community Health Education, Services and Training in the Cordillera Region strongly opposes the Aquino government’s aggressive plan to corporatize the Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC), along with 25 other major...
CDPC Co-Organized the Color It REDD-Plus!- The Cordillera Region Roadshow
The Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera (CDPC) and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-CAR) Co-organized the Color It REDD-Plus!- the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR), Philippine Roadshow on REDD-Plus with...
New World solidarity message to the 28th Cordillera Day Celebration
Dear friends at the Cordillera People's Alliance, provincial chapters, peoples’ organizations and the CDPC network of supporting NGO's, Greetings of solidarity from New World at this 28th Cordillera Day Celebration! 28 years of Cordillera Peoples...
Cordillera Day 2012: solidarity message of the partners of the province of East-Flanders in Belgium
The province of east-Flanders is working together with the CDPC network in the Cordillera since 1994. It is a successful partnership.! Today is a day of solidarity, of power created by cooperation. It is a day of hope and belief in a just and...