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Poverty Incidence in the Cordillera Administrative Region

The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) registered the lowest number of poor households according to the Listahanan 3 of the Department of Social Welfare and Development – Cordillera Administrative Region (DSWD CAR).  This accordingly is...

Adversity Of Traditional Medicine in An Imperialist World

Adversity Of Traditional Medicine in An Imperialist World

Traditional healing practices prospered though our ancestors’ laborious observation and practice. The use of their available resources makes it affordable and accessible. Some of these traditional healing practices include the use of medicinal...

Health Response to Covid-19 in the Cordillera  

Health Response to Covid-19 in the Cordillera  

 The Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) is a contiguous 1.8 million-hectare territory of 7 major groups of Indigenous Peoples and is the only region in the Philippines where Indigenous Peoples are the majority population. Composed of 6...