The province of east-Flanders is working together with the CDPC network in the Cordillera since 1994. It is a successful partnership.!
During the last visit, in February this year, we visited a lot of projects even in the far-flung communities of the Cordillera.
We were able to meet peoples-organizations and to see how much people are involved in a social movement to build up a social and sustainable society.
A society who cares about all his members, who cares about health, welfare en human rights.

A society who cares about children, about the future, about nature!
We were impressed of the network between a lot of organizations, impressed of the cooperation between different organizations. .
We have great respect for your dedication and perseverance, even in difficult times.
We believe in solidarity and international solidarity.

As long as we can we will support our partners in the Philippines, because we believe a social movement is necessary to achieve social sustainable changes.
Also in Europe a social movement was and still is necessary to achieve and to remain social changes, to build up unions enforcing the social rights of workers.
We know it is not easy, it is hard.

We support the theme of this cordillera-day and support the idea of ​​self-determination, people have 'voice', have participation in their own development
We hope the social movement in the Philippines can continue to grow, we hope more and more people believe in the power of cooperation, believe in the possibility to change.
We wish you luck and courage.

Know you have partners in solidarity, friends, in Belgium, in the province of East-Flanders.
Eddy Couckuyt,
Depute of the province of east-Flanders