CDPC Statement on the Attacks Against KADUAMI

The women and men of CDPC strongly rebuke the apparent pattern of  clamping NGOs advocating for human rights-based approach to development.  Our sister-NGO, the KATINNULONG DAGITI UMILI TI AMIANAN (KADUAMI-NL) is the latest subject of NGOs being framed to be financing...

Statement on the Occasion Of Martial Law Commemoration

This September 2024, we commemorate events that defined the impact of international and national laws on human rights and democratic freedoms in our country and the world. First, the commemoration of Martial Law declared on September 21, 1972 that officially cracked...

CDPC Statement on the 40th  Peoples’ Cordillera Day 2024

Theme: “SUMKAD! Courageously advance the struggle for land, life and honor” We at the Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera (CDPC) is in solidarity with the Cordillera mass movement in the celebration of the 40th Peoples’ Cordillera Day 2024. This occasion...