For Immediate Press Release

Weaving Perspectives: Converging the Indigenous Youth Initiatives and Capacities in Advancing the Rights of

Indigenous Peoples

Asia-Pacific Indigenous Youth Preparatory Meeting on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous youth from the grassroots enthusiastically convened in Baguio City from April 18-25 to hold the Asia-Pacific Indigenous Youth Preparatory Meeting leading up to the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) to be organized in September 2014. In the spirit of solidarity, brothers and sisters from Latin America and Africa joined in this significant event to build actions and positions to advance the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which will be presented to the states and the WCIP. The participants came from grassroots organizations from Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, New Zealand, Panama and Botswana. This gathering was organized by the Asia Pacific Indigenous Youth Network (APIYN) and Land is Life.

This important gathering dubbed as Weaving Perspectives: Converging the Indigenous Youth Initiatives and Capacities in Advancing the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, provided alternative platform for indigenous youth at the grassroots to share their ideas, experiences and perspectives on the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples and youth as enshrined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Distinguished guest speakers from IBON International, Asia Indigenous Peoples’ Pact (AIPP), Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA) and the

Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL) shared inputs on topics to enhance the discussions of the gathering.

Building from these valuable inputs and from the sharing of the youth participants on their concrete situations, experiences and ideas, they collectively and tirelessly came up with a united strong position and goals to be submitted to the drafting committee of the Alta Declaration for the WCIP. The WCIP is a high-level plenary meeting which arises from the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution (A/RES/65/198, 3 March 2011). This is another venue for Indigenous Peoples worldwide to forward their rights as enshrined in the UNDRIP as this is a dialogue between the states and the IPs. The young participants believed that it is important for the voices of indigenous youth to be elevated and for their perspectives to be heard, especially those from the grassroots who have limited opportunities to participate at the international level, thus the purpose of this youth preparatory meeting.

The youth meeting concluded with the signing of the declaration collectively and democratically formulated by the indigenous youth themselves. Among the highlights of the declaration include the role of the indigenous youth in forwarding and protecting the rights of the IPs to Self Determination. They are also calling on all states and the United Nations to respect and take actions on the demands of the IPs and youth. To reaffirm the declaration, the participants felt it necessary to return to the very place where they came from - the grassroots level. They visited the remote province of Abra where they not only shared their results but exchanged perspectives with other youth and celebrated in Cordillera Day. For the youth participants, this is one way of actualizing the discussions they had for several days. Finally, to best achieve these actions and positions the participants called for the creation of the International Indigenous Youth Movement. This will serve as much needed alternative platform for sharing struggles and building collective actions especially amongst indigenous youth from the grassroots level.

Definitely, this Asia-Pacific indigenous youth preparatory meeting on WCIP, which was expanded globally, is a momentous event for the indigenous youth belonging to the grassroots. They did not only increase their awareness of their rights, but also enabled them to build actions and strong relations with each other which is important to effectively forward their positions and achieve their goals.


Marifel Macalanda, Administrator – APIYN